International Management Experience Programs
2014 DESTINATIONS: Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City, Beijing and Seoul
Our International Management Experience (IME) programs provide exceptional exposure to economic activity, market trends and culture in Asia and Europe. These three-credit elective courses, which culminate with two week trips abroad, are regarded by participants as one of the most rewarding experiences of their graduate education and have prepared some of our students for international placements. Pre-travel course work includes exploration of economic, governmental and social factors that affect the conduct of business in a variety of industries and contexts. The trips involve visiting business executives, government leaders and entrepreneurs, observing first-hand the application of management principles and strategies in the global arena. We generally offer two IME courses during each spring semester: IME Asia and IME Europe.
Information on the IME and other BC international programs is available at:
For specific questions about these experiences, please contact Gregory Stoller at [email protected],
or via phone at 617 233 5666.
Many thanks to our past student participants, alumni, BC faculty and staff who have provided content, pictures, translations, edits and time to this site, and for the IME Asia program.